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Sajeela 奧修門徒,邀請門徒分享個人的靜心經驗
sharing Dynamic meditation
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Dear Maneesha,

Thank you for this beautiful internetsite. The picture of a girl looking through a microscope thouched a button in me. I would like to share with you my experience with dynamic and kundalini, which I did three weeks intensively. It was a restart after not doing for ten months.

First time I do, I notice a change from last time, I experience functioning from hara--breathing,shouting,shaking, dancing, all movement start from hara.

Next days my body start reacting, first with small things ( pain of teeth, muscle pain etc) but after three weeks I have a total energy change. First my body cleans with throwing up all food and liquids. Totally dizzy (when I open eyes the whole world turns) for two days I can only lie down, my eyes covered. My body is very sensitive, I can feel all interconnections in my body. Also I can feel the interconnection of getting angry and my diziness and the ear infection I get 5 day later. Now 10 day later I can again eat and drink, and my taste changed, now for the first time my body choise the food, not my mind.

Making love (with th same man) the feeling totally changed. First time feeling of two energies inside meeting, first time body experience tantra.

I feel like a fresh new born baby.

I would like to share this with you and to share the name of the person who supported this process. This is Sandesh from Taiwan. His understanding of the body and the energyprocess created by doing dynamics and kundalini is deeply and his teaching thruth from own experience.

I feel you should meet. His love for dynamic meditation and kundalini is shown in his life in where he speaks and theach this meditation to almost everybody he meets. If you want to get therapie from him you first have to do kundalini!

He lives in Taiwan and from april on also in Europe.

With love,



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2002/12/12 上午 11:22:53/ / /

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